
Archive for the ‘Appetizer’ Category

Tuna cake


This is a recipe suitable to use as an appetizer for a picnic journey or to bring to work on a tupper.


  • Tuna
  • Muscles
  • Eggs
  • Surimi
  • Tomato sauce
  • Mayonnaise
  • Soy sauce

If you want to use your own mayonnaise on a blender cup add one egg, a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice, a pinch of salt and sunflower oil. With a hand mixer start to mix with the blades at the bottom, after 10 seconds start moving the mixer up and down and add more sunflower oil very slowly without stopping the up and down move.

On a blender cup start to add the ingredients: surimi, about 160 gr of preserved tuna, preserved muscles, 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise,  a bit of soy sauce, 2 whisked eggs, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Put the mix on a mold and bake in the oven at 350ºF (180º F) for 30 minutes.

Tuna cake

Music played in the video (Airport Lounge) was composed by Kevin MacLeod (, also he is the owner of song’s rights which are released under a CC-BY license.

Artichokes with anchovies


This recipe come from my father which in fact it’s a little strange because my father doesn’t like cooking at all (cannot say the same about eating). You can use this recipe as a ligth dinner/supper, as a first course or even as an appetizer.

You can find the instructions in the video bellow:


  • ½ lemon
  • Artichokes
  • Anchovies
  • White vinegar

On a bowl with water squeeze half lemon, this will prevent the oxidation of artichokes. Cut the tail of the artichokes, remove the exterior leaves until you see leaves with a tonality between green and yellow and cut the end of the leaves. Cut the artichokes in 4 pieces and with the help of a small knife remove the small hairs in the heart of the artichoke, let rest the artichokes in the water with lemon.

Heat water on a pot and add two bunches of salt. When the water is boiling add the artichokes and cook them for 15 minutes. Drain the artichokes and add above them some drops of white vinegar. Finally mix with the anchovies, of if you want a nicer presentation just cross the anchovies with a toothpick and then cross the artichokes.

Artichokes with anchovies

Music played in the video (Airport Lounge) was composed by Kevin MacLeod (, also he is the owner of song’s rights which are released under a CC-BY license.


September 29, 2012 Leave a comment


Croquettes are very typical in Spain as a tapa in bars or as an appetizer. There are several ways to prepare them around the world, but my approach will be a very spanish one 🙂

Ingredients ( ~ 16 croquettes)

Start cutting ham in very small pieces. I used about 200 gr of ham, but you have to use less amount if your ham is too salty. Also you can add other ingredients as for example chicken or tuna.

On a pot add 100 gr of unsalted butter, when butter is almost molten add cut ham, stir it until butter is totally molten. Then add 100 gr of flour, stir while cooking it for about 1 minute until flour is cooked. Then add ½ litre of milk at ambient temperature and a bit of ground nutmeg. Move constantly with a wooden spoon to avoid lumps and it will be ready in a couple of minutes when you can see the bottom of your pot when moving with the spoon.

Empty the pot in a recipient and level the surface. Cover with a transparent film stick to the surface to avoid crust in the surface. Let cold and maintain in the fridge until next day.

Next day with a spoon take portions of the dough and give them a cylindrical shape with your hands. Try to get always a similar amount of dough so each croquettes result in a very similar size.  Once you have all your croquettes shaped, pass each of them first in flour, then in whisked egg and finally in breadcrumbs.

In a pot heat oil, adding enough to immerse the croquettes. When you insert a wooden spoon in the oil and bubbles appear the temperature of oil is right to fry. Now immerse the croquettes in small batches cooking them about 40 to 50 seconds. Retire them over a paper towel to absorb the excess of oil, and let the oil heat again between each batches of croquettes.


Music played in the video (Airport Lounge) was composed by Kevin MacLeod (, also he is the owner of song’s rights which are released under a CC-BY license.